Especialista em Conteúdo e Roteirista
Jorge Vinicio
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Ao receber o comunicado de que sua irmã está doente, no século XIX, Robert retorna ao Distrito dos Lagos, onde vai ter de encarar sentimentos que por muito negou ao passo que tenta ajudar sua irmã a sobreviver. É nesse mesmo lugar onde, um século mais tarde, Charlie busca inspiração para o projeto de sua carreira. E tudo se conecta quando William visita nos tempos atuais, tentando entender sua própria vida.
Maureen tinha todas as cartas na mão para mudar de vida e ir em busca do que sonhou, mas um descuido altera todos os seus planos, levando-a a fazer o que for preciso para ter aquele sentimento de vivenciar algo excitante.
A Morte recebe um aviso: deve buscar uma alma no mundo dos vivos. Para entender como a pessoa que irá morrer aceitará a própria morte, Morte resolve ver as lembranças e memórias de Oswaldo e Ricardo. Pai e filho constroem uma relação muito forte de afeto no decorrer dessas memórias. O medo da perda do filho assombra Oswaldo, mas ele é surpreendido quando Morte vai buscá-lo.
Two things were taken from Josh: the love of his life, Katy; and revenge against the one who killed her. At the same time he gained a number of mysteries, beginning with the fact that Katy was immortal.
Accused of murdering his beloved's killer he will seek answers while discovering that he never knew who was the real culprit of everything, and is far from knowing.
An unknown such as death always causes us fear. It is a complicated and painful fact that we will come across at some point in our lives. And this is always going to be a common answer on this subject. But what would Death say to us? What stories would she tell in a casual meeting? What lessons would we learn? A Morte E As Histórias Que Viveu is a book that seeks to spark reflections on this great and eternal taboo. But beyond this is a book that brings in its stories inspiring or positive messages about enjoy life, deal with grief and be happy.
Katy and Josh were amortenxivios, had powers and virtues that most humans would want: magic, immortality and beauty. But for them that was the least important, they wanted only to love, and they found it in each other. They could then have a perfect life. But lacked freedom and tranquility ... Klizvand was a half-blood vampire, which meant having amortenxivia descent. He wanted what his two races wanted most: power and love. However, in his case, power was tied to evil and could not love being dominated by that desire. He had been rejected by the one he wanted: Katy. Now just wanted revenge for all and all ... Who would have met the desires of their souls: Katy and Josh or Klizvand?